Interface CreateContentOptions

interface CreateContentOptions {
    contentHolderReference: string;
    contentType?: string;
    entityPolicyIds?: string[];
    file?: File;
    fileBuffer?: any;
    fileId?: string;
    fileName?: string;


contentHolderReference: string

Optional content holder reference that owns this content (e.g. a item:123).

contentType?: string

The content type of the file to be uploaded. if fileId is passed, this is ignored.

entityPolicyIds?: string[]

The entity policy ids that should be attached to the content and files.

file?: File

A javascript file object.

fileBuffer?: any

A buffer of an object that is used to create the file that will be used for the content. If file is passed, fileId is ignored.

fileId?: string

The file id of an existing file in the VibeIQ system. If file or fileBuffer is passed, fileId is ignored.

fileName?: string

The name of the file that will be created for the content. if fileId is passed, this is ignored.

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